THE HIKER'S CHARTER Adopt the right gestures while hiking to preserve the environment ! The hiker's charter [in french], developed by the French Hiking Federation and GRTgaz, was created to draw the attention of hikers to the importance of preserving and respecting hiking trails. Destination Pornic and Pornic agglo Pays de Retz want everyone to be able to enjoy the hiking trails in an optimal way, while contributing to the reduction of their ecological footprint on the planet. Here are some tips issued by the hiker's charter to contribute, in your own way, to the preservation of the environment : * Stay on the trails to avoid species trampling. * Clean your soles to avoid harming biodiversity (example: planting seeds or germs that are in the earth stuck to your soles) * Collect your waste Be discreet so as not to disturb the life of wild animals, which are not used to our noises. * Do not make fire, danger for man and nature. So hikers, together, let's preserve our hiking trails and our planet !
HIKING IN THE LOIRE-ATLANTIQUE - BEST PRACTICES On foot, by bike or on horseback, the Loire-Atlantique is rich in hiking trails [website in french]. So that this moment of leisure in the middle of nature is pleasant for everyone, here is, by downloading the document below, some good practices to adopt when you engage on the paths of the department.
"SURICATE"... but what is it ? Suricate is a tool that allows any outdoor sports practitioner to report the problems he encounters in the field [website in french]. Be an actor in the quality and preservation of your hiking trails ! A markup error, a defective sign, a pollution problem, illegal dumping of waste, a need for security, a conflict with an owner or other practitioners... fill in the form, locate the problem and send. Your report will be processed by the nature sports federations, the services of Pornic agglo Pays de Retz or the Department, in conjunction with the National Resource Center for Nature Sports of the Ministry responsible for sports. The preservation of our trails also depends on your vigilance and your participation, thank you!
OUTDOORVISION The Destination Pornic territory participates alongside the Department of Loire-Atlantique in the Outdoorvision system, offered since 2021 throughout France. The goal : to study the frequentation of hiking trails. Indeed, many outdoor sports enthusiasts (cycling, hiking, etc.) travel the roads and paths of our department, but this attendance remains difficult to quantify. The Outdoorvision tool, by collecting the gpx traces of hikers who use a connected object, will make it possible to analyze the flows and draw conclusions. Whether you are a regular or occasional hiker, if you are sensitive to the quality of the routes, their preservation and their development, we need you, because we need a maximum of gpx traces for the analysis to be reliable. Take part by simply connecting your account (Garmin Connect™, Suunto APP or Polar Flow) with the website or uploading your GPS tracks directly to outdoorvision [website in french] Don't worry, data collection is completely anonymous. Only your gpx tracks are of interest to us !