Atelier de la Source

  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • ATELIER DE LA SOURCE - Préfailles
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapes
  • ATELIER DE LA SOURCE - Préfailles
  • ATELIER DE LA SOURCE - Préfailles
  • ATELIER DE LA SOURCE - Préfailles
atelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesATELIER DE LA SOURCE - Préfaillesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesatelier de la source, préfailles, port-meleu, catherine-rose charlemagne, oil paintings, painting, landscapesATELIER DE LA SOURCE - PréfaillesATELIER DE LA SOURCE - PréfaillesATELIER DE LA SOURCE - Préfailles


L'Atelier de la Source in Préfailles is a bright, open space overlooking a charming garden by the sea. Catherine-Rose Charlemagne has been a professional artist for many years, creating her oil paintings in a friendly, inspiring setting.
From an early age, dunes and pines, waves on the horizon, boats and harbours have fed Catherine-Rose's imagination. Today, she has returned to the Pays de Retz and lives year-round in Préfailles.
Initially, in the Midi-Pyrénées region of France, her professional experience in art weaving and haute lice tapestry led her towards structured, lively shapes and materials. Then, thanks to oil painting, her taste for light and subtle colours found its best place of expression.

Her sources of inspiration have grown over the years:
  • walks in the mountains
  • in the countryside
  • by the sea,
  • in different regions and countries.

They have enabled her to explore mineral, plant and aquatic themes right up to the limits of the abstract, and have led her to paint ports, boats and a wide variety of horizons.

Today, in her seafront studio in Préfailles, her palette keeps alive the memory of all these stages. Catherine-Rose is very attached to the region, and takes the time to observe the local heritage, drawing inspiration from it, expressing herself through atmospheres and colours that capture the spirit of the places around her.

Summary of her career :
  1. From 1979 to 1995: Art weaving workshop near Albi. Exhibitions in the Paris region, the Midi Pyrenees and Austria, where she won numerous awards.
  2. From 2000 to 2016: Practice of oil painting. Workshop in Toulouse. Exhibitions of painted works in Toulouse.
  3. From 2010: Annual exhibitions in Toulouse.

Visit the Atelier de la Source all year round, by appointment (by phone or e-mail).
Opening day(s)

All year long 2025

Every day

    • Accessible with help
  • Facilities for for mobility impaired persons :
    • Details of facilities Jardin accessible, possibilité d'observer l'intérieur de l'atelier
    • Painting, graphic art
    • Another peinture à l'huile
  • PETS :
    • Pets not allowed
    • Hiking trail
    • Free car park all the year Route de la Source ou Corniche
    • Restaurant à proximité
    • Toilets
    • Other (please, specify) Vente d'oeuvres de l'artiste
Contact details
Atelier de la Source
3 Corniche de Port-Meleu
mail / message
Mob : +33 6 33 22 04 88
Contact the owner
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    • Bank and post cheques
    • Cash in Euros
    • Credit card



Atelier de la Source
3 Corniche de Port-Meleu
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 47.12516
Longitude : -2.20862
  • Distance from the sea :
    • Less than 100 m. from the sea
  • Distance from the center (church ) :
    • 1 km. from the center of Préfailles
  • Distance from the train station :
    • 10 km. from the train station of Pornic