Shipyards tour in Saint-Nazaire

  • Industrial visit near Pornic
  • Industrial visit near Pornic
  • Industrial visit near Pornic
  • Industrial visit near Pornic
  • Industrial visit near Pornic
Industrial visit near PornicIndustrial visit near PornicIndustrial visit near PornicIndustrial visit near PornicIndustrial visit near Pornic


A guided tour of the shipyards plunges you into the heart of a rare industrial adventure, revealing exceptional know-how, cutting-edge technology and ecological transition. You'll discover the assembly holds, as close as possible to shipbuilding. A fascinating and spectacular visit.
Reservation is required for this visit, ID required on the day of the visit.
Consult the calendar of visits here.

Les Chantiers de Saint-Nazaire : an outstanding company whose reputation has spread far beyond our borders...
This company opens its doors to you for a privileged visit. Far from being a simple showcase, the tour plunges you into the heart of the construction process of legendary ships.
Through the streets of the shipyards, a real "city within a city", you will discover the workshops, the assembly holds, while above your heads, one of the most powerful gantries in Europe accompanies your discovery.
You are in the heart of the cradle of the "King ships" and one of the greatest industrial adventures!

The visit lasts 2 hours. It gives you a very complete overview of this industrial site and the shipbuilding process, of which the discovery on foot of the large construction hold from a pedestrian gallery is the apotheosis.
Please note that depending on the company's constraints and activities, the circuits and stops may be modified.

Packages at a smart price! The Boarding Pass : Escal'Atlantic + an industrial visit of your choice (Chantiers de l'Atlantique or Airbus or Grand Port Maritime)

Buy your tickets at REDUCED RATES in your Tourist Offices, at the reception desk or by phone:
Les Moutiers-en-Retz, La Bernerie-en-Retz, Pornic, Préfailles, La Plaine-sur-Mer, Saint-Michel-Chef-Chef and Villeneuve-en-Retz.
Find the dates and opening hours here
Opening day(s)

From Saturday 08 February 2025 to Sunday 04 January 2026

Every day

    • Saint Nazaire / Peninsula of Guérande
  • PETS :
    • Pets not allowed


08/02/2025 - 04/01/2026
2-hour adult tour 21.00€
Reduced adult rate 19.00€Lycéens, étudiants, demandeurs d?emploi, personne en situation de handicap et son accompagnant (sur présentation d?un justificatif)
Reduced ratede 4 à 17 ans10.50€
Reduced ratemoins de 4 ansFree
    • Cash in Euros
    • Credit card
    • Holiday vouchers (check only valid in France)
    • Bank and post cheques



Saint-Nazaire Renversante - Chantiers de l'Atlantique
Boulevard de la Légion d'Honneur
Base Sous-marine
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 47.27577
Longitude : -2.20354
Contact details
Boulevard de la Légion d'Honneur
Base Sous-marine
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