The Pointe Saint-Gildas

  • La Pointe Saint-Gildas
  • La Pointe Saint-Gildas
  • Regards vers le large
  • Table d'orientation
  • La table d'orientation
  • Blockhaus à la Pointe Saint-Gildas
  • Pointe Saint-Gildas, assis face à l'océan
  • Promenade avec chien en laisse, Pointe Saint-Gildas
  • Promenade avec chien en laisse, Pointe Saint-Gildas
  • Pupitre à la Pointe Saint-Gildas
La Pointe Saint-GildasLa Pointe Saint-GildasRegards vers le largeTable d'orientationLa table d'orientationBlockhaus à la Pointe Saint-GildasPointe Saint-Gildas, assis face à l'océanPromenade avec chien en laisse, Pointe Saint-GildasPromenade avec chien en laisse, Pointe Saint-GildasPupitre à la Pointe Saint-Gildas


Set off to conquer Pointe Saint-Gildas !
Once a place of battle and barbarian incursions, it is now a major tourist attraction, attracting almost half a million visitors a year !
Pointe Saint-Gildas is one of the most visited open-air sites in the département, and the number of visitors is growing all the time.
And yes, because there are plenty of reasons to come and discover Pointe Saint-Gildas.

A breathtaking panorama in all weathers.

When the view is unobstructed, you can see beautiful movements on the surface of the water, the currents taking shape in shades of blue. And even when nature is on the rampage, the colours are magnificent and leave you with a beautiful memory.
And don't forget: Florent from Kayak Nomade will take you on an evening trip at sunset. A great opportunity to watch the magnificent colours and lights of sunset in Préfailles. Book now here !

On stormy days, when the wind picks up, the 180° panorama is incredible. You can watch the raging waves crashing against the rocks all around the Pointe. This breath of invigorating air is definitely worth a look !

Finally, Pointe Saint-Gildas is like a belvedere, with its views over the Loire estuary on one side and the Baie de Bourgneuf on the other. From the orientation table, it's an ideal spot for those who appreciate wide open spaces. The ocean is as far as the eye can see, and you can look out over the surrounding countryside. The town of Saint-Nazaire can be seen in the distance... you can see pleasure yachts sailing out to sea and big boats waiting their turn before entering the port of Saint-Nazaire. Make sure you take your camera along to capture it all! And if you feel like discovering these giants of the seas, then book your place here with Saint-Nazaire Renversante.

And don't forget the 2nd floor of Le Sémaphore. With access from the outside, you'll be able to enjoy a magnificent view.

An unspoilt area that makes people more aware of nature.

The coast is spared the large blocks of flats. Here, you can admire some remarkable seaside villas dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Between the water and the buildings, you'll find the customs officers' path, otherwise known as the GR8. This pretty coastal path allows you to stroll close to the ocean and enjoy the benefits of the sea spray - a real treat for all your senses! Please note: cycling is prohibited! Only pedestrians are allowed, to protect the environment.

Pointe Saint-Gildas also has a wild side, with the Regional Nature Reserve. Approved in 2014, it covers an area of 11.5 hectares. It protects nature. Here, flora and fauna have full rights. Numerous plant and animal species have taken up residence in this high-quality habitat.

Come and meet :
  • Ouessant sheep
  • Pitchou Warbler
  • Maritime Pipit
  • Spider orchis
  • Everlasting dune grass ....

2 ways to discover the RNR :
  • by yourself, as the site is open all year round. Just make sure you follow the local regulations. Download our Pointe Saint-Gildas tour here and come and try it out, you'll love it !
  • or join the curator for a free discovery of this living world hiding many mysteries. It's a great opportunity to find out more about the history of the site and to learn a little more about plant and animal life. Click here to schedule your visit.
A place brimming with history.

Pointe Saint-Gildas is a landscape that reflects the past. It is an undeniable place of memory. This rocky outcrop on the Atlantic Ocean has been used by man for centuries. This has been the case since prehistoric times, and more specifically during the Mesolithic period, following discoveries dating back to between 6,600 and 6,400 BC.

In the days of pirates and privateers, Pointe Saint-Gildas was also much coveted. Due to its geographical configuration, it was a place of attack and incursion from the sea. The remains of the cannon from Louis XV's Vaisseau de Ligne "Juste" bear witness to this past history.

The Second World War also left its mark on Pointe Saint-Gildas. Under German occupation between 1939 and 1945, the Pointe was an integral part of the "Atlantic Wall", strategically located to deter invasion. Blockhouses, rangefinders, pillboxes and tobrouks illustrate this past, which is still visible today.
Our tourist office in Préfailles invites you to find out more about the history of Préfailles.  Try out our audio-guides with the heritage interpretation tours, including the one on the "Defences of the coast". Click here for more information.

Did you know ?
Préfailles was liberated on May 10th 1945.

A wide choice of on-site activities.

Going to Pointe Saint-Gildas also means taking advantage of a wide range of activities. There's something for everyone.

It's a favourite spot for anglers. Fishing at Pointe Saint-Gildas on foot or with a rod, it's up to you. For those who want to get moving, scratch the sand and make some extraordinary finds, the foreshore at Pointe Saint-Gildas is the perfect playground for a game of fishing on foot. A salty adventure activity to be enjoyed on your own or with friends and family, but also with experts. Julie and Vincent from Échos Nature will be taking you along to learn more about the world of the sea and discover other rather plant-like marine treasures: seaweed! Find out more about the tours here.

A place subject to the effects of the breeze and wind, ideal for water sports activities. Surfers can regularly be seen when the waves are good. The Préfailles sailing school offers a wide choice of water sports, whether you're young, old, a beginner or a novice. As well as Kayak Nomade with its sea trips. Don't forget to check our diary to find out what water sports events are on the programme.

The Sémaphore is a great place to visit and discover a rich history. At the Sémaphore, you can discover the history of lighthouses, the lives of lighthouse keepers and semaphores, communications at sea and the great shipwrecks of the Loire estuary, such as that of the Lancastria. This former lookout post also has a temporary exhibition room that is open to visitors free of charge.
You can also discover Pointe Saint-Gildas by taking one of the heritage interpretation tours on sale at the Préfailles Tourist Office. Find out more here.

And to make things even more festive, don't forget the events held here every year. Don't miss the harbour festival, the day of the night, the sea writers' fair or the ceremony to pay tribute to the victims of the Lancastria. Click here to consult our online diary and plan your visit.

To sum up : Pointe Saint-Gildas is the promise of an unforgettable discovery with Destination Pornic !

    • Viewpoint / Panoramic view
    • Natural area
  • PETS :
    • Pets allowed
    • Remarks : en laisse
    • Sand
    • Rocks
  • TOWN :
    • Préfailles
    • Toilet all the year long
    • No shower
    • Public benches
    • Water slipway
    • Restaurant
    • Water Sports Facilities Ecole de voile
    • Shellfish gathering
    • Picnic area
    • Dustbins
    • Free car park all the year long
    • Bike parking
  • Facilities and services :
    • Toilet
    • Car park
    • Bike parking



La pointe Saint-Gildas
La Pointe Saint-Gildas
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 47.13361
Longitude : -2.24741
  • Distance from the center (church ) :
    • 12,3 km. from the center of Pornic
    • 3 km. from the center of Préfailles
  • Distance from the train station :
    • 12,8 km. from the train station of Pornic
Contact details
The Pointe Saint-Gildas
La Pointe Saint-Gildas