Discover our unusual heritage

Discover our unusual heritage

  •  - © Terre de Briord


Destination Pornic : much more than just a seaside destination!
Discover an exceptional architectural heritage that bears witness to the rich history of the Pays de Retz. From picturesque villages to listed historic monuments, you'll be amazed by the diversity of architectural styles, the authenticity of iconic sites and the lesser-known nuggets that our region has to offer.

Which site will be your favourite ?

  • Explorers of culture and know-how
    Explorers of culture and know-how


1- The Buzay tower, a heritage vestige

The Cistercian monk Bernard de Clairvaux founded the abbey of Notre-Dame-de-Buzay in 1135.
It became one of the richest abbeys in France, owning vast tracts of land in the Pays de Rais (a reference to the Lords of Rais).
Its wealth was derived from the salt trade, duties on commercial traffic on the Loire and numerous gifts of land and goods.
However, following various conflicts, a fire and other unfortunate events, all that remains today is the square tower.
Dating from 1755, this 33-metre-high bell tower is the only visible vestige of the former abbey.

Set in magnificent landscaped grounds, the site of the Buzay tower is private and not open to visitors... but you can, exceptionally, discover part of its history during the Heritage Days.

Did you know ?

A new 21 km cycle route will be inaugurated in 2025.
It will showcase the treasures of Rouans and neighbouring Cheix-en-Retz.

  •  - © Ypov.Agency
  •  - © Ypov.Agency
  •  - © Ypov.Agency
  •  - © Ypov.Agency

2- The Notre-Dame de Gourmalon chapel, an emblematic site  

The Notre-Dame de Gourmalon chapel in Pornic is much more than just a place of worship.

Built in 1909 thanks to the determination of local residents, it bears witness to a strong attachment to the Catholic faith and a desire for independence from religious authority.
The lack of a footbridge linking Gourmalon to the town of Pornic made it very difficult for parishioners to attend mass.
They therefore decided to build their own chapel, despite opposition from the clergy.
The Gourmalon owners' association financed the entire project, making the chapel a symbol of the community spirit and solidarity of the inhabitants.
Inaugurated in 1909, the Notre-Dame de Gourmalon chapel bears witness to the history of Pornic.

Its modest architecture and privileged location make it a popular place of worship for locals and visitors alike.

Would you like to visit the Gourmalon chapel ?

Would you like to know more about the history of this little chapel ?
Pornic's Intercommunal Tourist Office offers a guided walking tour of the chapel and other key sites in the seaside town.

  •  - © Mélanie Chaigneau

Visit Pornic and Tharon-Plage

Immerse yourself in the soul of the destination thanks to the programme put together by the Tourist Office guides: Andréa, Florence and Paul.

Let them take you on a 1:30 hour discovery tour of the area's rich heritage :
Pornic ‘Medieval and Maritime City’, ‘Town of Waters’, ‘Seaside City’, ‘Streets and Paths’, or ‘In the Inner City’.
or ‘In the intimacy of the Château’, ‘Artists of yesterday’, not forgetting the ‘Walking tour of Pornic’.
not forgetting the ‘Walking tour of Tharon’ ...
  •  - © Mélanie Chaigneau

3- The Calvary of Chaléons, a place steeped in history  

The monumental calvary at Saint-Hilaire-de-Chaléons was designed in 1826 by Abbé Viollet.
It pays tribute to the inhabitants of the commune who were victims of the Vendée Wars and the Revolution.
Originally, the mound was topped by a single wooden cross.
In 1835, a chapel was built on the same mound.
In 1854, Easter Day saw the installation of two side crosses, still made of wood, until 1931, when they were erected in concrete.
This is the finished representation of Christ and the two thieves.

After climbing the imposing steps, visitors can walk around the calvary and follow the Way of the Cross. The parish priests are buried here.

A little extra :

Below, admire the huge horseshoe-shaped cemetery surrounded by a circular wall.
Unique in Europe !
  •  - © Ypov.Agency

4- The Prigny chapel, a historic gem

The commune of Moutiers-en-Retz, anchored in the Baie de Bourgneuf, has a number of cultural assets that are well worth a visit :
And, a little further away, the Prigny chapel, a listed historic monument.
Dating from the 11th century, it honours St Guénolé.
In summer, it is open to visitors and regularly hosts classical music concerts.

Les Moutiers-en-Retz

  Please note that the chapel is currently being renovated and is not accessible at the moment.
      For further information, contact the Moutiers Tourist Office.
  •  - © Hugo Mouillé
  •  - © Valéry Joncheray
  •  - © Patrick Gérard
  •  - © Patrick Gérard

5- Château de Briord, from the Revolution to the Roaring Twenties

‘A Nantes folly in Pays de Retz to be shared without moderation’

Located in Port-Saint-Père, Château de Briord was built in 1770 on the site of an influential medieval seigneury.
Steeped in history, this marvel of neoclassical architecture and the surrounding estate exude a timeless atmosphere.
Its owner, Eric Peters, who has a passion for history, and one of his volunteers nicknamed the ‘Charette Volunteers’, will be unveiling the ‘Terre de Briord’ project.
By taking visitors back to the 18th and 19th centuries, the owner aims to preserve this historic site and restore the soul of the place and its occupants.

When should you visit Château de Briord ?

You can visit the château during the Journées du Patrimoine (Heritage Days), or with the guides from Destination Pornic tourist office during the ‘Meet our enthusiasts’ events. Book your tour at one of the 7 Destination Pornic tourist offices.

  •  - © Florence Forni

6- The Arzelier windmill, preserving traditions

From the Middle Ages to the 17th century, thirteen windmills operated in Bourgneuf-en-Retz, now Villeneuve-en-Retz.

The Moulin de l'Arzelier, built in 1857 in Saint-Cyr-en-Retz, is the only surviving mill in the town.

Although its wings stopped turning in 1957, the association Les Amis du moulin de l'Arzelier is working to restore and put back into service this heritage symbolising tradition.

Did you know ?

Tourist office guides and members of the association will be on hand to explain the progress of the project during ‘Meetings with our enthusiasts’.
Bookings at our 7 Destination Pornic tourist offices.

  •  - © Claudia Cassano

European Heritage Days

Every year, during the ‘European Heritage Days’, owners, associations and local authorities get together to welcome an enthusiastic public and share their history(s) and know-how.
Some offer tours all year round (find all the information on our website), but others only open their doors on the occasion of this national event...

In Pays de Retz, the programme is organised around the following themes :
  • Water and natural heritage,
  • Arts and architecture,
  • History and memories
  • Know-how and traditions

So make the most of it !
  •  - © Stéphane Grossin

To know

For further information

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