On foot in Sainte Pazanne

Sainte-Pazanne is located on the back-coast and offers an exceptional historical and natural heritage. You'll be amazed by the commune's green lung, the Princé forest, which is of ecological interest and home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. Witness to the past, your walk will take you to the Pierre-Levée menhir. This is a megalithic structure, and you'll be surprised by the various legends surrounding it, in particular the one according to which it was thrown down by Gilles de Rais, Baron of Retz...
  • :
    • 6,7 Km
    • Place of departure Coulée verte, avenue du pré de l'ïle
  • :
    • 8,3 Km
    • Place of departure Parking de l'étang de la Beusse
  • :
    • 1,6 Km
    • Place of departure Parking au fond de l'impasse des lavoirs