4 outdoor photo exhibitions to discover

4 outdoor photo exhibitions to discover

  •  - © Mélanie Chaigneau


Discover four outdoor photo exhibitions that transform the destination into an open-air art gallery. These captivating events are an invitation to explore the natural beauty and heritage of the region while enjoying the sea breeze or the fresh country air.
These photo exhibitions are a perfect combination of culture and nature, ideal for photography enthusiasts and lovers of beautiful things...
  • Tribes in search of nature
    Tribes in search of nature
  • Explorers of culture and know-how
    Explorers of culture and know-how


1 - Instagram photo exhibition #monitinerairebis2023

From July to the end of October 2023, the Tourist Office launched a photo competition on Instagram under the hashtag #monitinerairebis2023

The competition encouraged residents and holidaymakers on Instagram to share photos that showcased the beauty and diversity of the region.

Our region is shaped by the people who live and work here, and this is reflected in the everyday scenes captured by the participants.
The aim of the competition was to reveal our tourist heritage from an original, lesser-known and distinctive angle, and to highlight the hidden treasures and many facets of our destination.

Let yourself be amazed by our hidden nuggets :
  • Pêcheries : discover their graphic and artistic beauty in a new light.
  • Marshes : admire the flamboyant evening colours or the morning mists enveloping the landscape.
  • Ocean storms : observe nature in its rawest form with spectacular scenery.
An itinerary bis is all this ! The route you wouldn't take, a landscape that reveals itself differently, an atmosphere that moves you differently...

A successful competition : 434 photos were shared on Instagram, showcasing the visual richness of Destination Pornic.
Of these, 28 were selected for a large-format exhibition along Pornic's Corniche de la Noëveillard.

  Until 3 November 2024
along the corniche of La Noëveillard in Pornic

For more information ...
  •  - © Claudia Cassano
  •  - © Claudia Cassano
  •  - © Adrien Lauqué
  •  - © Claudia Cassano

2 - Le Rendez-vous de l'Hêtre : an artistic stroll along the coastline

This open-air exhibition is a must-see this summer. It's ideal for lovers of art and photography !

Don't miss the 11th Rendez-vous de l'Hêtre 2024, an exceptional exhibition on the Préfailles and La Plaine-sur-Mer coastline
Stroll along the magnificent coastal landscapes and admire over thirty large-format photographic triptychs that transform the coastal path into a veritable art gallery.

5 good reasons to love the Rendez-vous de l'Hêtre :
  1. It's an artistic event that's been a fixture here for a long time. The Préfailles tourist office and the town itself were behind it, and the torch has now been passed on !
  2. Diversity and artistic quality: discover the captivating works of talented photographers who present seascapes, striking portraits and inspiring scenes of life.
  3.  The long duration of the exhibition: take advantage of three months to enjoy this unique exhibition.
  4.  An exceptional setting: admire the works while soaking up the natural beauty of the Préfailles and La Plaine-sur-Mer coastline.
  5.  A complete artistic experience: combine your visit to the outdoor exhibition with an indoor exhibition of works of art.
You can even vote for your favourite photos by flashing the QR code on each photo to give it a rating (from 1 to 3 stars, depending on your preferences) or by going directly to the association's website.
At the end of the exhibition, two prizes will be awarded: the Public Prize for the most popular photo and the Jury Prize awarded by photography professionals

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore art in a wild and magnificent natural setting. Come and enjoy an unforgettable artistic experience at the Rendez-vous de l'Hêtre 2024 !

See you until 1 October 2024
Préfailles and La Plaine coastline

To find out more ...
  •  - © Alexa Mabon
  •  - © Alexa Mabon
  •  - © Alexa Mabon
  •  - © Alexa Mabon

3 - Outdoor photo exhibition : capturing the essence of sport !

Discover how enthusiasts from the Pornic Photo Club capture the magic of sport, in the spotlight this year with the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Thanks to their expert eye, these talented photographers capture the quintessence of sporting gestures, immortalising their dynamism, emotion and determination in a fraction of a second.
They were able to capture and immortalise local sportsmen and women from 37 Pornic associations.
Each photo shows a quick and precise glance, revealing the passion and excellence behind each shot.
To enhance the experience, QR codes placed at the bottom right of the panels allow visitors to the Ria to discover, interactively, all the details about each sporting association represented

The 45 photographs on display are complemented by four panels featuring images sent by the twin towns to the Pornic twinning association, a partner in the event.  

Immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of sport thanks to this exhibition at Pornic's Ria, a foretaste of the Olympic and Paralympic Games that celebrates the beauty and energy of sport !

  Until 3 November 2024
Botanical garden of the Ria in Pornic

For more info ...
  •  - © Claudia Cassano

4 - "Open your eyes this summer": a 100% natural, open-air photo exhibition

Flowers, animals, insects...
This trail through Sainte-Pazanne will give visitors a chance to discover the diversity of flora and fauna in the Pays de Retz all summer long.

Amateur photographers from the Retz'Flex association are hoping to give passers-by a different view of the town through the art of photography.

After a meticulous selection of 170 visuals, 70 were presented to the municipal team.
A jury made up of elected representatives, residents and staff chose 20 photographs, which were printed in large format.

This summer, let yourself be guided by a map available online or at the town hall to discover these 20 exhibition panels on biodiversity.
Located mainly on soft links and footpaths, these panels will allow you to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region as you stroll through Sainte-Pazanne.
"Open your eyes this summer in Sainte-Pazanne", take the time to stroll around and observe these magnificent snapshots in search of natural beauty.

  Until 4 September 2024
Green corridor and centre of Sainte-Pazanne
  •  - © Ville de Sainte-Pazanne

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