Live an experience!

Nos vins divins

Photo générique
Le Grolleau Gris Vin blanc, Cépage emblématique du Pays de Retz C'est un vin sec et fruité dont la robe dorée a des reflets saumonés. En bouche, il est souple et équilibré et au nez, il dégage des arômes fruités et exotiques. Ce vin accompagnera parfaitement les poissons et les coquillages mais aussi le fromage. Il convient également parfaitement pour un apéritif entre amis. Température de service : de 10 à 12° (pour ne pas casser les arômes) Le Domaine des Sylphes, Les Moutiers-en-Retz

Bring your bucket and put on your boots, we'll go explore the beach at low tide

Andréa, shore fishing in three words? " Childhood, family and self-indulgence. I have always lived by the sea. When I was little, I often went fishing on the weekend for clams, periwinkles or prawns with my grandparents, I enjoyed helping my grandma in the kitchen at lunchtime. I just loved delicious bread with butter. For me, shore fishing has always been an activity like any other (like gardening), but full of wonderful shared experiences ".

Top 5 de nos produits locaux pour bien fêter la Chandeleur

1. La pâte à tartiner d'Héloïse Pâtisserie GAVET  Pornic Incontestablement, LE produit "star" de nos goûters d'enfance : la pâte à tartiner. Celle d'Héloïse naît d'une belle tradition familiale. Dans la famille Gavet, chaque naissance est marquée par la création d'un nouveau produit qui portera le prénom du nouveau né. C'est à l'occasion de la naissance de sa deuxième fille, que Bertrand Gavet, maître chocolatier, décide de créer sa recette de pâte à tartiner avec des ingrédients simples, sains et gourmands. Le résultat est juste parfait : une explosion en bouche de ce goût de chocolat et noisette torrifiée juste ce qu'il faut ! Un vrai régal !  Pour plus d'infos...  ...

5 nids d’amour pour fêter la Saint-Valentin

Le Moulin des tréans
1. L'Hôtel*** Restaurant Le Grand Large à la Bernerie-en-Retz Niché entre ciel et mer, l'hôtel Le Grand Large à la Bernerie-en-Retz offre un cadre exceptionnel pour une escapade romantique. Les chambres élégamment décorées s'ouvrent sur l'Atlantique, créant ainsi une atmosphère apaisante et romantique.  Imaginez-vous savourer un dîner aux chandelles dans le restaurant de l'hôtel, dans un décor de fin de journée, quand le ciel et l'océan se teintent de rose et d'orangé. So romantic ! Le Grand Large crée une ambiance idyllique pour les amoureux en quête d'intimité et de détente. ​ Je réserve mon séjour...

Top 5 de nos idées cadeaux de Noël

boîtes à sel Salines de Millac
1) Plateau baoule Retrouvez notamment, nos jolis plateaux Baoûle personnalisés, fabriqués par l’ébénisterie locale « l’Etrave ». Vous avez le choix du nom de ville et un joli camaïeu de neuf couleurs qui égaieront votre intérieur. Le petit dernier récemment arrivé : le jaune !   A noter aussi qu’en cette période de fêtes le plateau rouge sera très tendance !!! Prix : 35€

La balade Artistique à Pornic

La Balade Artistique 2023
L’ATELIER DE BRIGITTE LAMBOURG  visité par Valérie  Des couleurs qui attirent l’œil, qui apaisent et donnent de l’énergie en même temps, je me trouve dans l’atelier de l’artiste Brigitte Lambourg ! Elle a décidé de se consacrer entièrement à son art en 2007 en employant différents supports pour ses créations et s'est installée depuis 2021 dans la ville haute de Pornic. Avec ses créations Brigitte essaie de dégager « l’émotion par l’attitude des corps », elle crée tous les jours, c’est un plaisir, un besoin !   Je fais régulièrement une halte devant sa vitrine pour admirer ses jolies sculptures en terre cuite, ses toiles chatoyantes, ses bijoux colorés et les différentes déclinaisons en format carte postale. Un univers haut en couleurs qu...

Destination Pornic, a collection of gourmet products

Destination Pornic, une collection de produits gourmands
Do you know the destination's flagship products? Galettes St Michel, ice-cream from the Fraiseraie or Délices de l'Air Marin, Curé Nantais cheese, Bouchot mussels, Moutiers salt, Brigantine beer, Ced rums, wines... but there are plenty of other places to visit for gourmets and connoisseurs alike. Here is our selection... to make sure you always have something to eat !

European Heritage Days in Destination Pornic

Le Sémaphore de la Pointe Saint-Gildas
During European Heritage Days, owners, associations, municipalities, etc. come together to welcome a passionate audience and share their history(s) and know-how. Some offer visits all year round (find all the information on our site or by clicking on the links) but others only open their doors on this occasion. This national event is celebrating its 40th edition around the following themes : * Water and natural heritage, * Arts and architecture, * History and memories * Know-how and traditions Find all the 2023 information in our Tourist Offices and by clicking here. Here is our Destination Pornic selection !  

Destination Pornic, a territory of rivers !

#itinerairebis, les rivières
Depending on the place you choose, go by kayak, canoe but also in a pedal boat or even an electric boat. Each navigable river in Destination Pornic offers a different experience. On the water, the angle of view on the agricultural lands, the fauna and the flora is completely different. Depending on the height of the banks and the perspective that your walk will offer you, the landscapes will not have the same atmosphere Embark and let yourself be surprised by our destination while enjoying the tranquility of the place.

Paddle and kayak in Moutiers-en-Retz

#itinerairebis, Les Moutiers en Retz
Step 1 - Boarding from a slipway Starting from the Hermitage slipway or the Pré Vincent slipway, located a stone's throw away, embark at high tide in the bay of Bourgneuf, heading due south towards the Port du Collet. Accessible all year round, both wedges are free! From the beach, the maritime groynes of rock and wood sink into the Atlantic Ocean. Want to know more about the history of Moutiers? Click here  

In Chauvé and Pornic, the stones would have so much to tell!

#itinerairebis : maquette
We are not indomitable Gauls in Destination Pornic! Absolutely not ! On the other hand, in some of our villages, we have megaliths rising towards the sky. They have always haunted people's imaginations. Step 1 – Time travel in Chauvé In Chauvé, the Menhirs circuit is accessible on foot, by bike and on horseback. The 9km route winds through quiet, verdant countryside. You will be surprised by these traces of the past which attest to a Neolithic presence in the Pays de Retz. Sometimes impressive by their height or more anecdotal by the survival of their lifting wedges, observing them, we invite you to travel through time. Meet at the starting point at the La Pauvredrie picnic area, route de Saint-Père.  

Pornic take me for a ride

In truth, when you love Pornic and its charm, you never really leave them... It's like a love story. On the other hand, to breathe a little and break away from the tumult of the old port, you can move away from it for just a few hours... An escape accessible on foot or by bike.  

Préfailles, kayak ride on the ocean at sunset

Kayak à Préfailles
Notice to athletes AND romantics ! We have the right plan to share a moment suspended off Pointe Saint-Gildas. Unforgettable moments guaranteed ! Pointe Saint-Gildas de Préfailles : a breathtaking panorama ! The ocean as far as the eye can see, a very indented coast and an area of ​​11.5 ha classified as a Regional Nature Reserve. Best known fo r: * a walk, * a storm near the pier of the port of Préfailles * from the top of the Semaphore museum space... You can discover it, by kayak, from the Atlantic Ocean, when the last rays of the sun skim the waves.  

An idea for a peaceful stay in Sainte-Pazanne

Etang de la Beusse
Halfway between Nantes and Pornic, near the Lac de Grand-Lieu nature reserve, the Acheneau and the La Blanche river, the town of Sainte-Pazanne has a multitude of charms and perspectives… Ideal for refocusing on its essentials !  

My walk of the day in Vue

Ma balade du jour : circuit Les coteaux
A temporal parenthesis, in which you can even go back in time, thanks to varied atmospheres and decors. The first bends in the path unroll their route towards the top of a hillside, where a green and beneficial panorama opens up. In the distance, the undulations of the hinterland reveal perspectives full of charm and invite you to escape. Not a sound disturbs the walker, except the faint song of a few birds hidden in the trees.

Mes vacances d’été en Destination Pornic ! Que faire en juillet ?

Un été en Destination Pornic
1) 45 km de côte, rien que pour vous ! Tôt le matin ou au soleil couchant, changez de regard et prenez le temps d’apprécier nos 45 km de côte. Quand nos stations balnéaires se réveillent tranquillement, nos charmantes criques et plages se teintent de douces lumières. Le soleil n’est pas encore au zénith : il vous donne rendez-vous avec l’océan, les pieds dans le sable, bercés par le bruit des vagues. Respirez, vous êtes loin des foules, l’évasion est assurée.  2) Prendre le large et admirer la côte depuis la mer !   Si vous avez l’esprit d’aventure, les balades en paddle ou en kayak sont faites pour vous. Au plus près de l’océan, admirez la côte depuis le large : les villas nichées dans leur écrin de verdure se détachent au-dessus des falaises ...

My walk of the day in Sainte-Pazanne

Ma balade du jour : circuit l'étang de la Beusse
Then walk on these still deserted shores and discover a world that is awakening, where the song of the birds celebrates the first rays of the sun, darting through the dense foliage of the hedges. Throughout the day, the circuit around the Beusse pond reveals a multitude of other charms and perspectives.  

My walk of the day in Rouans

Ma balade du jour : circuit  Le grand Chemin
This route allows you to start the loop from two different places: on the banks of the Acheneau but also at the foot of the church of Rouans, opposite the café “La bonne vigne”. You will thus be able to discover all the cinematographic history of this small picturesque village of just over two thousand eight hundred inhabitants. Indeed, Rouans had its hour of glory on the big screen in 1986 with the filming of the film which gave its name to the circuit you may be about to follow: “Le grand chemin”. The director Jean-Loup Hubert, who had lived in the village for a few years, then returned there to shoot one of his best films, which he would present the following year to the general public. He will also be nominated for the Césars, in the categories “Best Film”, “Best Dir...

My walk of the day in Cheix-en-Retz

Ma balade du jour : circuit La Pierre Tremblante
Once the center of the village behind you, quiet and flowery streets will lead you to the banks of the Acheneau where, hidden in a grove, sits a historical vestige dating from Neanderthal Man: La Pierre Tremblante. This megalith is one of the major attractions of this walk, ideally located at the gates of the Nantes conurbation and only a few tens of kilometers from the coast. This lying stone, impregnated with legendary tales, some of which date back to the 6th century, is supposed to tremble for whoever knows how to stand on it, in a very precise place. Will you try your luck jumping on this block?  

My walk of the day in Saint-Hilaire-de-Chaléons

Ma balade du jour : circuit Les Templiers
This both pedestrian and cycle route begins at the foot of a Calvary with a chapel and surrounded by a surprising cemetery in the shape of a horseshoe and a monumental Calvary. It was erected in the 19th century by the sole will of Curé Viollet. Having participated in 1793 alongside the Vendeans and General de Charette in the fight against the Republicans, he decided to honor the memory of the victims of the Vendée wars by building a Calvary, on the same model as that of Pontchâteau.

My walk of the day in Port-Saint-Père

Ma balade du jour : circuit  Safari et Tenu
The start of this loop is at the "little station", slightly out of the way of the town. After only a few hundred meters and having crossed the district of La Charrie, you will take a quiet and little frequented road. This path has hedgerows teeming with small foragers and other pollinators. There is life in the blooms: butterflies, bees, hoverflies, bumblebees and ladybirds intersect in an incessant and harmonious ballet. Take a moment, watch their dances, admire the colors and smell the scent of these wildflowers. A real natural picture emerges for those who take the time to look at it. A little further on the landscape changes.  

My walk of the day in Chauvé

Ma balade du jour : circuit Marais et Moulins
The soft lights of the end of the day offer this bucolic circuit the ideal atmosphere to discover the hinterland of Pornic. As the sun's rays are less powerful, the meadows and marshes of this walking and cycling loop will reveal all their colors and their soothing contrasts... ... thus inviting you to daydream, to escape. The wind fades and gives way to the tenuous but still very present song of the birds and the sound of the breeze in the treetops. In the background, the heavy tread of cows in the meadows and the clanking of their bells announcing their proximity.